The Doctor of Theology (ThD) program is intended to provide students with the analytical skills, methodological rigour and knowledge base that will enable them to carry out innovative research at the leading edges of their areas of specialization.
In practical terms, the purpose of the program is to produce graduates who will be qualified to teach theological and related subjects’ Liberal Arts colleges and theological schools. Secondary purposes include equipping persons for positions of leadership in ecclesiastical and related organizations, or for academically enhanced ministerial practice.
Doctor of Theology also prepares graduates for vocations as faculty in theological programs in seminaries, colleges and universities; and as leaders in ecclesial and para-ecclesial institutions and organizations devoted to serving the Church in the world.
The Doctor of Theology is a 70-credit hour Postgraduate program.
Upon the successful completion of the Doctor of Theology, the students should be able to:
- Grasp the main content and structure of the Old Testament and New Testaments as well as to understand the broad storyline of the Bible.
- Develop sensitivity to issues and procedures in interpretation of a text, so that with a facility in the original languages, the students will be able to communicate the message of that scripture in a way that stays faithful to the intention of the text and relevant for people today.
- Formulate and articulate a distinctively Christian worldview.
- Demonstrate broad knowledge of the Bible and theology, and the ability to integrate this knowledge with daily life and work.
- Articulate a theological and historical understanding of the Christian Faith and its ethical implications for the individual, community and Christian Ministry.
The Doctor of Philosophy in Christian Education (PhD) program is designed for Christian educators, school administrators and those who are involved in Biblical or theological instruction in Christian colleges, ministries of Education and Church educational ministries. Those responsible for developing and implementing religious education in the local Church will benefit from this program.
This program enables the students to oversee the Christian Education programs of local Churches and develop lay ministries within the Church setting.
The Doctor of Philosophy in Christian Education is a 70-credit hour Postgraduate program.
Upon the successful completion of the Doctor of Philosophy in Christian Education, the students should be able to:
- Understand the foundations of Religious Education and to conceptualize these understanding in the Church Educational Ministry.
- Develop, evaluate and administer curriculum in the Church educational program, and to serve as a resource person in the area of curriculum.
- Model an effective role as teacher and leader, and to assist lay people to develop teaching and leadership skills.
- Communicate to, lead, motivate, manage and administer people and programs in the educational ministries of the Church.
- Function effectively in interpersonal relationship.
The Doctor of Philosophy in Christian Education (Ph.D.PBC) program is designed to prepare the students for a ministry in the counseling of individuals, couples, families and special focus groups within the context of the local Church related agencies, and or other religious settings.
This program enables the students to employ integrative therapies; integration-proven effective counseling methods, models and modalities, with sound Biblical and theological principles.
The vision of the Church is to be a healing community. Hope for the hurting individuals and families, is an essential element of the Christian message.
The Doctor of Philosophy in Christian Counseling is a 70-credit hour Postgraduate program.
Upon the successful completion of the Doctor of Philosophy in Christian Counseling, the students should be able to:
- Develop research capacities designed to foster and expand knowledge about the current practice of counseling within a Christian context.
- Strengthen competency in data collection, analysis, assessment and evaluation in Christian Counseling.
- Demonstrate an understanding of methods of assessing and evaluating individual psychological functions, such as intelligence and personality, and dysfunctions, thereof evidenced in psychological distress and personality disorder.
- Develop a personal philosophy of counseling, which integrates the latest theories, trends, and techniques of professional counseling with sound Biblical principles in a Christian Counseling modality.
- Promote an awareness of the integrative compatibility between the behavioral sciences and the ministry of the Holy Spirit, as they relate to the Counseling process.